“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
Welcome to Pinehurst Christian School!
The primary objective of the Pinehurst Christian School and Child Development Center is to train the students in the knowledge of God's Word and the Christian way of life and to give the students an excellent education.
Our desire is to work together with parents in molding the life and character of each child enrolled in our school.
Our Christian school education is offered to children age Pre K3 through 2nd grade. We also offer before and after school care for children enrolled in our school.
For The Month of February only-Early Enrollment 10%. It expires February 28, 2025.
In celebration of Black History Month, its "Denim Fridays" only in-the-month-of-February. Every Friday wear your favorite denim! Starting February 7, 14, 21, and 28, 2025.
Pinehurst Christian School will be hosting its Mr. and Miss. Pinehurst Fundraiser. It started on February 3, 2025, and ends on March 14, 2025. All classes will be participating in the fundraising event. The first place winners will be crowned Mr. and Miss Pinehurst. We will have second place runners up. In addition, the boy and girl who raised the most cash donations from each class will be elected as the winners from their classrooms. (Prizes to be determined). The purpose for the fundraiser: Repairs for school bathrooms (toilets), Tree pruning around the children's playgrounds, and a new sign for school announcements.
(Cash Donations Only). All cash donations will be turned into the office staff by March 18, 2025.
The winners will be announced and crowned on Sunday, March 23, 2025, at 3:00P.M. in the Pinehurst Small Chapel. Contact person(s): Alma Torres (Administrator Assistant) or Deborah Smith (Principal). Any questions, please call the office at (706) 689-8044.
Its Dr. Seuss Week! Starting March 3-7, 2025-Everyday is a Dr. Seuss theme day. Monday (Hat Day),Tuesday (Dress like Twins), Wednesday ( Wacky hair and mix match socks), Thursday ( Favorite team or Jersey Day), and at-the-end-the-week, Friday School Spirit Day (Doughnuts with Dad). Join in on the fun!
Time to be creative and wear green, or a shamrock shirt, or your St. Patrick's accessories!
Its IOWA testing week for students (1st-2nd grade ONLY). On Monday (March 24), the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is providing a breakfast at 7:30AM for only the elementary students. It will consist of sausage biscuits, assortment of fruits, and orange juice. It will be located in the Fellowship Hall, and after breakfast the students will be lead by parents and other encouragers in a tunnel walk to their class. On Friday (March 28), students will celebrate-Finally Free! Its a kick off to Spring Break, and on that Day students can dress in beach attire (floral shirts, jeans, and shades). Aloha!
On April 11 (Friday) at 9:00AM, there will be an Egg Hunt for only the students at Pinehurst Christian School. Donations of candy and plastic eggs are needed, and help with hiding eggs on the grounds. We would appreciate and encourage as many parents or guardians to come be apart of the fun. A photographer will be on site to take pictures at this event.
Rain and thunderstorms late Tuesday night through Wednesday evening
Monday - Friday 8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.